Friday, February 23, 2007

Confidencias e lust for life

Last night i dreamnt that somebody loved me, like before. Oh please please please let me get what i want this time. Nausea e esperança de viver, velhas historias de como ele ainda que velho a amava, (He'd still shag her he would still fuck her). Sem contar com estes dois todos eles viveram a sua vida como queriam para quem reprimir a minha? Versos que ha pouco se deliniaram tao belos na minha mente e agora não estão cá. Só uma memoria agradavel, contei-te os meus segredos as minhas origens, a minha historia as minhas estorias. Sentados num vao des escada da piramide fumado narguille despi-me para ti, para uma amiga mostrei-te a minha alma os meus ossos.
Soube bem.
Nada importa embora exista sempre o futuro e planos para a vida, tenho um momento ohm, zen de globalidade. Já o tive, voltarei a tê-lo. Mas agora tenho-o e tive-o ainda ha pouco. Comparas-me a um grande. Por outro lado i'm afraid i'm not very bright and i'm afraid i might.
Sai do metro rumo a casa o vento fresco acariciou-me a cara, vi a harley fukin davingson, ela sempre esteve la ou pelo menos ja há algum tempo. Lembro-me de como a pouco te disse she'll mary me when i'm older, temo-o e adoro-o. Amanha talvez.
Pronto ja esta tudo descrito tudo dito poderia ter terminado no paragrafo anterior ou ter explicado cada uma destas frases e torna mais belo, mas não me interessa a beleza, tenho de dominar a estetica tenho de dominar a minha mente os meus demonios o obscuro. Talvez Ainda Talvez.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Estado do tempo e estado de espirito

Coming down off the nova somewhere near the boiled egg that is Royal Albert Hall, we watch Paul's sun crossed with John's star and hold ice cream hands. Someone slipped on a cassette as the one you wanted left left with someone else but somehow it was cool because the music filled the shadows, you heard a sound that was a million miles away from fakery and a step away from your heart.
Just like it always did, this sound puts the swagger back into your step, the rush into your blood but somehow, and I don't know how, they had become deeper, wider soulful, better in their craft, inspired by so many things like a world that is tilting who knows where and the applause they always knew was theirs but waited so impatiently to receive. Words cut you from all angles, backed up by majestically and majestically to soothe the wounds inside.
As you are dragged inside on this trip abandon, you hear a council estate singing its heart out, you hear the clink of loose change that is never enough what you need, boredom and poverty, hours spent with a burnt out guitar, dirty pubs and cracked pavements, violence and love all rolled in one, and now all this.
At the ed you flip over and start again because now you are not isolated. They have gone to work so that you can go home. High above the day turns pink and you fell your feet lift above the ground as new roads open up in front of you. In this town the jury is always rigged ~but the people know. They always know the truth. Believe. Belief. Their morning glory.